Read “Chasing Oranges”, the novel, 4 free

That’s write! I mean right!

Chasing Oranges, my first novel, is now available for free as an ebook. Find it on iBooks or go straight to Smashwords for a free download.

Dystopian, rock’n’roll, speculative space opera. Call it what you will. Chasing Oranges is about survival and struggle and a shrinking apartment. Space pirates, and fart propelled rocket launchers. It’ time travel, and the blues. Explosions and corruption. It’s hope, death and love. A piano, a nutty professor and an eagle-headed individual.

The paper version is available on amazon and a number of other online retailers. If you’re in Norway check it out on Adlibris.

No more excuses! Go read it!

Claude Vicent.